Electricians not only give focus to helping homeowners keep their appliances and electronics running and keeping their HVAC systems and lights powered on, but they are also focused greatly on the safety of their clients. Our licensed and certified team of skilled electricians takes a great deal of pride in helping all our homeowners avoid electrical fires, high voltage issues and other electrical dangers. Further, they are committed to helping clients take steps necessary to avoid electrical hazards in their homes.
Common Electrical Hazards that Can Occur in Your Home
There are a number of electrical hazards that homeowners need be aware of. Some of the more dangerous hazards include, but are not limited to, the following:
· Visible wires and electrical cords – Every homeowner is aware of the danger exposed cords and wires can cause when left out on the floor. Family members can easily trip over them. However, you should never try to hide the wires and cords under rugs or even under your furniture pieces since this can, over time, cause them to heat up and eventually cause fires. Reach out to our skilled electricians to take care of your wiring and ensuring that it is entirely safe for your home and family.
· Damaged wiring and electrical cords – It’s very important to check your electrical wiring from time to time to ensure that it is not worn, frayed or brittle. If the insulation on the wiring is damaged fire hazards are increased. If you notice any discoloration on wall outlets, switches or even on your home’s interior walls, be sure to contact our electricians right away.
· Old bathroom and kitchen outlets – Water and electricity do not mix, as we all know. With that said, the appliances you have in your kitchen and bathroom can present with potentially dangerous hazards. Our electricians are on hand to enhance the safety of your kitchen and bathroom with the installation of GFCI outlets. GFCI outlets are designed to cut the power off immediately should water come in contact with any electrical appliances.
· Improperly used extension cords – Though not used very often in today’s homes, extension cords are accountable for many a house fire. They can easily overload the outlets in your home and cause the circuits to consistently trip. If you find yourself using extension cords often, reach out to our electricians to install additional electrical outlets in your home.
· Never throw water onto an electrical fire – Whenever a fire breaks out the first instinct is to douse the fire with water. When an electrical fire starts in your home, do not throw water onto the fire since the water can actually act as a conduit. Rather, grab your fire extinguisher and allow the foam in the extinguisher to put the fire out.
· Never attempt to perform your own electrical work – This is by far one of the biggest of all electrical hazards in many homes. If you find yourself faced with an electrical issue, be sure to reach out to our emergency electricians who are equipped to handle all your electrical needs. Don’t ever try to resolve your electrical issues on your own!
Put Your Trust in Our Pros
Here at Gervais Electric, Inc. we cannot emphasize enough the importance of avoiding these electrical hazards in your home. Our team is steadfast in their commitment to meet the individual needs of all our valued clients and always puts our clients’ safety first. For more information about the electrical services we provide, to schedule a service appointment or to schedule a free consultation, give a shout out to one of our team members today. We are your most trusted team of electricians here in the Franklin area and look forward to providing you with only the highest quality electrical services this side of the state.