Electricity is a vital component in every home and is relied upon every moment of every day. With that thought in mind, it is important that homeowners have insight on how to safely handle electrical issues. Many homes fall victim to fires each and every year as a result of electrical issues. In order to avoid fires and excessive damage, homeowners should be aware of how to prevent them in the first place. By familiarizing yourself with some of the most common electrical hazards that are present in nearly every home and taking steps to avoid them, you can keep your home and family safe from harm year after year.
Watch for These Common Electrical Hazards
- Electricity and water don’t mix – One of the most common electrical hazards is that of water. Often times we fail to think first and will reach for a shaver or hair dryer after coming out of the shower and our hands or body are still wet. We all know that water and electricity do not mix so at no time should you touch electrical outlets or appliances when your hands or body are still wet. If you must use an electrical appliance near to water, it is imperative that your hands and body are dry and that you keep all cords and wires distanced from the shower, bath tub, sink or any other water source.
- Damaged and frayed wires are dangerous – If you have cords that are frayed, melted, corroded or display any black color at all, get rid of them! These items will almost always result in an electrical hazard and perhaps even a fire over time. They can also cause electrical shocks and burns. You should not try taping damaged cords but rather you should discard them and replace them altogether.
- Extension cords can pose a threat – Although extension cords can be quite useful and handy, they should not be used for extended periods of time. Extension cords are meant to be a temporary resource for providing electricity and should always be unplugged when they are no longer in use. You should not run an extension cord through the ceiling or the walls since it can result in overheating and ultimately an electrical fire.
- Curiosity can kill the cat and harm your children– Children and pets can be curious as we all know. With that said, electrical outlets are typically located near to the floor making them very easy to access and use. If they are easily accessible to you, then they are every bit as accessible to children and even your family pets. Because of their location, we highly recommend that if you have children and pets in your home you invest in plastic plug in covers for the outlets to safeguard all your little ones. These plastic plug covers will prevent your little ones from putting objects into the outlets or touching the outlets at all. Children are very curious and at the youngest of ages will find outlets very appealing. Be sure to protect your children and pets with child proof plastic plug in covers.
Bottom Line
If you want to learn more about electrical hazards and how to safeguard your family and home, or if you are in need of any residential, commercial or emergency electrical services or repairs, be sure to reach out to our experienced team of professionals at Gervais Electric, Inc. Our team is steadfast in their commitment to meet the individual needs of all our valued clients and looks forward to our every opportunity to serve you. For the best in electrical services, whether residential, commercial or 24/7 emergencies, trust Gervais Electric, Inc. where our clients and their safety are always our number one priority!