With summer on the horizon, you may be wondering how you can save on your electric bills now that your children are going to be home from school. It doesn’t matter how many people you have in your home, if you are willing to alter a few daily habits and household obligations, you can lower your summertime energy bills. As much as you and your family may feel inclined to hide indoors and crank up the AC to beat the heat, don’t. Instead, utilize the following suggestions to improve your home’s comfort and lower its summer energy usage.
Update Your Lighting
Did you know that each light you leave on in your home raises the temperature in the room by several degrees? It’s hot outside. And as much as you feel you may need to use your lights, you have to keep in mind that the majority of energy they use creates heat, not light. If your light fixtures and wiring have not been updated in several years, now is a good time for you to hire an electrician to upgrade them to improve your home’s summer energy usage.
In addition to having the wiring fixed, you should consider replacing all of your light bulbs with CFL and LED bulbs. They may cost more initially, but they are much more efficient than the old ones you were relying on. They use less energy, generate far less heat and last longer, so you don’t have to replace them as often. You can use your lights without fear of increasing the temperatures inside of your home.
Use Window Treatments
You may feel tempted on some summer days to draw back your curtains or open up your window treatments to allow the beautiful sunshine in. However, doing so can cause a dramatic spike in your home’s temperature and make it hard for to cool off. When the sun is out, you should keep your curtains and window treatments closed to prevent heat from building up inside of your property. If you cannot live without the sun pouring through your windows, consider adding a special film to your windows that allow light in and keeps the heat out.
Electrical Wiring Upgrades
Some appliances generate heat when they are in use. Some major culprits are televisions, cable boxes, and computers. Although the amount of heat they generate may seem negligible, every bit helps. Turn off your appliances when they are not in use. Do not leave them in standby mode if you can avoid it because they are still drawing electricity.
Don’t Touch the Air Conditioning System
Some days you may find it harder to avoid turning on the air conditioner than others. As much as you are trying to avoid the heat, there are ways you can do so without the AC. Use some portable fans and ceiling fans to move the air around in your home. Hot air rises and it tends to stay localized in the same areas. By using fans to move the air around in your home, you can keep it from becoming stagnant, stale and cool it off some.
Summer Energy Usage Cool Off
Every time you use your AC, you send your electricity bill up. Running an air conditioning system is expensive. Offset your electrical expenses and summer energy usage by drinking cold beverages. Stay hydrated, so the heat doesn’t affect your body as much. Run some cold water on your hands and wipe your face with a cool cloth to cool your skin off. You can even go swimming to beat the heat.
You can stay cool and reduce your summer energy usage without relying so much on your electricity. For more helpful electrical tips for your home, office or commercial building, call Gervais Electric today at 615-965-8420.