Nearly a hundred thousand house fires occur every year across our country which presents with countless injuries and property losses. As most of us are aware of, prevention is usually the best tactic when it comes to safety, and that certainly includes home fires. This is why we’re taking the time to offer insight on the various causes of many common fires and simple solutions for avoiding them.
- Electrical fires – An electrical fire typically occurs as the result of a short circuit, overloading circuits, and the likes. When the total electrical current that is drawn from all points of electricity in your home exceeds the overall internal wiring capacity, a fire is apt to occur. Whether you have been living in your home for an extended period of time, or perhaps you have just purchased a home, not knowing the initial electricity capacity of the home can certainly lead to dangerous situations over time. A short circuit occurs when two live wires come in direct contact with one another, causing an extended flow of electricity to flow through the wires, ultimately causing a fire.
To avoid a fire under this scenario, avoid making changes or overloading the electric circuits in your home. In addition, you should have the internal wiring in your home checked routinely to avoid short circuits from happening and consider installing a main switchboard to systemically cut the flow of electricity.
- Cooking oil – Cooking oil can easily splatter and catch fire and if not properly and quickly controlled can certainly result in a dangerous house fire.
To avoid cooking oil fires, never leave cooking oil unattended and never allow for anything that is combustible to be nearby to the cooking oil.
- Cooking gas – Cooking gas is by far one of the most dangerous of house fires that can occur. Leaking gas is not only extremely combustible but even the smallest of sparks can cause a fire. Leaking gas can spread quickly over a large area in a very short period of time and can ignite a fire quickly with even the smallest of sparks.
To avoid a fire from cooking or leaking gas, be sure to have all the gas pipes, regulators, burners and the likes in your home inspected regularly to ensure there are no leaks. If ever you detect a smell of gas, be sure to not use any electrical switches, never light any type of a fire, evacuate the house and call 911.
- Smoking – Family members tend to smoke in different areas of the home, but should get in the habit of smoking outside instead. When smoking indoors, it is important that you are not smoking around any materials that are combustible since this can prove to be dangerous and even fatal. Indoor smoking leads to thousands and thousands of home fires every year.
To avoid home fires that are a result of smoking, the solution is not only simple, but quite obvious as well; simply don’t smoke indoors. Whenever you do smoke, however, be sure that the cigarette and all ashes are completely stubbed out before you dispose of either.
Gervais Electric, Inc. always puts our clients first. Our clients are our number one priority which is why we want to ensure that homeowners take every necessary step to ensure the overall safety of their homes and families for any number of house fires. Hundreds of thousands of lives and homes are lost every year as a result of fires which is why we wanted to share this insight with you. For all your electrical products and services always look to our friendly professionals. We stand ready to meet your every need and to provide you with only the highest quality products and services.